Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday's Finds: Certifiable deals

You know that feeling you get when you walk into a store and discover that the dress/suit/coffeemaker/whatever that you purchased last month now costs a fraction of what you paid?

That's how I felt when I got an e-mail promotion titled "$11 Bargains for 2011" from North Light Shop.

Three of the twelve advertised books reside happily in my studio bookcase, and although my initial reaction was a kick to self for having paid too much, I decided a healthier approach was to pass on the tip to fellow painters.

Brief reviews
Paint Watercolors that Dance with Light by Elizabeth Kincaid. This is the book that taught me how to create a free, loose background by using Frisket film and fluid to protect the foreground subject. But that is only one of many great techniques. Beautifully illustrated, the 128-page book offers the experienced painter inspiration and tips on composition, color and light while providing the beginner critical information such as the balance of water to pigment, which brush to use for different tasks, and how to transfer a drawing to watercolor paper. The book's suggested retail price was $22.99.

The New Creative Artist by Nita Leland. This 2006 edition updates Leland's 1990 work of a similar title; its art, text and activities could lead any artist out of a creative doldrum. More than 100 activities are organized around eight chapters covering creativity, art and craft, drawing, design, realism, abstraction, experimentation and adventure. I coveted this book a long time before shelling out $29.99, so I'm pretty sure anyone will be really happy to get it for $11.

Finding Your Visual Voice by Dakota Mitchell with Lee Haroun. Not limited to watercolor, this book offers demonstrations, interviews with artists, informative text, questions and exercises to help readers develop their own styles. It, too, can nudge you out of a painter's block. In any case, it will make you think differently about what it is you are doing when you are creating your art. Its original retail price was $29.99

How to order
I couldn't find a direct link to the $11 sale, so here is what I suggest if any of these titles interest you:

Go to and type in the item code for any book that you want in the Catalog Quick Order box on the left of the screen.
  • Paint Watercolors that Dance with Light: Item # Z2791
  • New Creative Artist: Item # 33423
  • Finding Your Visual Voice: Item # 33486
For orders less than $25, North Light Shop charges $3 plus 99 cents per item. Shipping is free for orders over $25.


Nita Leland said...

Thanks for the review of The New Creative Artist. I wish I could buy my book at that price. By all means, everyone should take advantage of these prices.

nmetz said...

I've never regretted that $30 spent on your book!

Carol said...

Thanks for the tips, Nancy! I have Paint Watercolors that Dance with Light. I admire Nita Leland's work and I'll be sure to pick up that edition.