Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Q: Why write a blog?

A: I blame the Rule of Threes -- and no, I am not referring to the compositional device of dividing the width and length of a page into thirds. I'm talking about that phenomenon of happenings coming in trios:
  • Two celebrities die within days of each other and people start guessing who will be next. (Most recently, it was Gary Coleman, Dennis Hopper and Rue McClanahan although I've always considered Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison the supreme trio of celebrity deaths.)
  • Catastrophes happen in threes. Case in point: Icelandic volcano, BP oil spill and Nashville floods within weeks of each other.
  • Or on a more positive note, we think the third time's a charm.
Admittedly, the argument is statistically shaky, yet I have found the Rule of Threes to be a useful guide of sorts. When an idea or name crops up a third time in a short period, I snap to attention. Sometimes, I even take action.
So here's the provenance of DavisMetz Studio blog:
  1. This summer I read Julie and Julia, Julie Powell's account of cooking her way through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, a feat she documented on a BLOG.
  2. I spent an afternoon with my good friend Jeanne, who taught me how to post the Bloomington Watercolor Society's newsletter on the organization's BLOG.
  3. The Kentucky Watercolor Society offered a workshop that promised attendees would leave with a BLOG installed.
Three BLOG opportunities in quick succession equal this DavisMetz Studio blog.

What'll be in it for you?
I hope you'll find inspiration, some helpful info and some friends.

What's in it for me?
Sure, it'll be a platform for self-promotion. But it will also provide some structure for my art interests, connect me with fellow artists and teach me a thing or two.

I'll be back in a few days. Hope to see you here.


nmetz said...
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Helen "Mer" Metz said...

Hey! Great blog! I'm excited to see more stuff soon. Maybe I'll try for on ;D